There are a variety of factors that make street photography a daunting task, for photographer Jamie Windsor that’s approaching strangers. In this video Jamie along with help from fellow street photographer Pablo Strong finds the tools he’ll need to conquer this fear once and for all – and you will too!

Pablo Strong; YouTuber and Jamie’s coach for this helpful video, is a pro at approaching and conversing with strangers on the streets of London. If you haven’t’ checked out his YouTube channel be sure you do so here and have a look at his series of street interviews.

Right off the bat Pablo easily approaches and interacts with his chosen subjects, showing us just how a seasoned professional does the job. You’ll have to give the video a watch for all of the insider tips and tricks Pablo passes on, but for now Jamie lists his top five tips to approaching street portraiture.

Stop making excuses!
If you’re passionate about street portraiture you have to take that first step and face the fears that are stopping you from beginning in the first place. Take small steps and fake it until it feels natural.

Take the lead
Be sure to take control of the situation when attempting street portraits, this will lessen the likelihood of your subject getting cold feet and backing out.

Be honest
Approach your subjects with honesty and be upfront about your intentions for your images. Authenticity is so easily picked up and your subjects will know when you’re being honest or if you’re being shady.

It’s okay if they say no
That’s why you’re asking, to begin with, isn’t it? Don’t get disheartened if the first person you approach isn’t interested, they may be very busy or just camera shy. What matters is that you’ve approached them with honesty and they’ve responded with the same. Don’t let it dissuade you from trying again, and again, and again…

Practice makes perfect
This age-old saying could not be truer when it comes to street photography, or photography of any nature really.
The more time you spend practising and experimenting with your approach and style the easier it will get.

For more tips and tricks on upping your street portraiture game be sure to give Pablo Strong’s channel a follow and check out his Streets of London series.

For more thought-provoking videos from Jamie Windsor be sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel here and for more inspiration why not give his Instagram channel a follow too.