Take a look at these great cityscapes from French photographer Christophe Jacrot’s “Hong Kong in the rain” series.

When it starts raining, most people would run for cover or avoid going outside, but for French photographer Christophe Jacrot, this is when he starts shooting photos. Christophe explains that he sees the elements of stormy weather as great grounds for photography, and he feels that bad weather and the unique aesthetics it brings is very under utilised in the medium. We tend to agree with him – his photographs don’t just capture the gloomy side of rainy weather, but also the beauty of lights reflecting off the wet streets, or the distortion created by rain running down window panes.

Below are some photographs from Christophe’s “Hong Kong in the rain”. For more rainy and snowy cityscapes, including “Paris in the rain”, visit his website.

Via MyModernMet.