Watch as Ted Forbes discusses the topic of sub-framing and show’s a few prime examples of how the masters used it.

In this episode, Ted Forbes from The Art of Photography explains a photography composition technique called “Sub-framing”. Essentially sub-framing is using elements in your composition to frame up the subject – it’s like a picture in a picture. There are many ways to use this technique, you can be subtle or more obvious, but its an excellent way to create more depth in your photography composition.

You might remember we’ve shared previous videos on the subject of composition, including; Simplification and Negative Space9 Composition Tips by COOPH and Composition in Storytelling, an extremely interesting and informative video by Lewis at Channel Chriswell that looks at how you can use composition as a tool to give your images structure and purpose. But for now, let’s see what Ted has to say about Sub-framing.

We would love to hear your take on this, what do you think?

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Take part in Ted’s “Photo Assignments”, you can find more info about in the video here.