The lovely team at Mango Street put together the top 3 mistakes they feel most beginner photographers make, and what to do about it.


We have said it before, and we’ll say it again – we all make mistakes, especially when we are just starting out. So the lovely team at Mango Street put together the top 3 mistakes they feel most beginner photographers make. They also share a few tips on how you might overcome them, handy isn’t it?

Top 3ย Photography Mistakes in Short:

1. Blowing out the highlights.
2. Posing instead of directing.
3. Disregarding your light source.

The team over at Mongo Street has recently started up their YouTube channel. We’ve got a feeling there’s some great content on the way, so head on over and be sure to hit subscribe while you’re there. You can also follow them on Instagram, at @rachelgulottaย and @danielinskeep.

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