See mountain biker Kelly McGarry’s incredible point of view as he backflips a 22m wide canyon, shot on a GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition.

This is incredible and/or insane: GoPro has posted the point-of-view footage from Kelly McGarry’s mind-blowing run at the recent Red Bull Rampage mountain biking event, all filmed with the new Hero3+ Black Edition.

During the silver-medal awarded run, the New Zealand-based mountain biker did three flips, the second of which was a massive backflip over a 22m canyon. To get some perspective on the size of the jump, watch the run as filmed by Red Bull:

Thought that was awesome? Here’s some more. Watch Cam Zink’s 3rd place run, in which he sets the record for the largest backflip ever in mountain biking history:

We’re still expecting stock of the GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition to arrive by the start of November. Read more about the new GoPro cameras here.