Highlights from the recent FNB 1Zambia MTB race, filmed on a Canon 6D by Capetonian filmmaker Kiko Herrera.

Cape Town-based filmmaker Kiko Herrera recently spent a few days in Zambia covering the FNB 1Zambia mountain bike race with a Canon 6D and Canon 16-35mm and 24-70mm lenses.

Kiko says: “After about 250 kilometers on the back of a quad bike, the 6D went through dust, water splashes, got banged up and survived… Only thing that happened was the LCD screen got a little burn from the light hitting the Zacuto finder for a bit to long.” That last point is an important lesson – always avoid leaving your lens or viewfinder uncovered when if you set your camera down in direct sunlight!

Of course, shooting from a quad bike is no easy task, with Kiko explaining that the DSLR and lens combo became difficult to handle after six hours on the bike. And then there’s the physical demands of shooting from a vehicle moving over rough terrain: “My backside hurt for weeks after!”

Here’s the highlight reels from the three-day race, including some footage filmed with onboard GoPro cameras, covering all the highs and lows that go into such a difficult challenge – both for the riders and the photographer!