Let’s get into it and see what Daniel and Rachel from Mango Street suggest as their top 3 tips to make your Instagram photos “not suck”…
Today we join the lovely team over at Mango Street to get a few tips with regards to Instagram photos. We’ve all seen and admired those beautiful Instagram feeds where the images just hit the nail on the head. As we’re sure you already know, those perfect little scenes rarely just happen naturally. For the most part, they are styled, and unless you have a natural flair for that sort of thing, it can be harder than it looks. So let’s get into it and see what Daniel and Rachel suggest as their top 3 styling tips to make your Instagram photos “not suck”…
The team over at Mongo Street has recently started up their YouTube channel. We’ve got a feeling there’s some great content on the way, so head on over and be sure to hit subscribe while you’re there. You can also follow them on Instagram, at @rachelgulotta and @danielinskeep.
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