An exhibition by the Vision AfriKa youth organisation and the Stellenbosch Academy of Design & Photography.

Vision AfriKa is an organisation of 15-18 year old youths from the Stellenbosch townships of Kayamandi and Vlottenburg. The exhibition will feature photographic works from the Vision AfriKa youths, in partnership with the first year students from the Stellenbosch Academy of Design & Photography. A book will accompany the exhibition and will be launched at the same time.

The opening takes place at 17:30 on 28 October and the exhibition will run till 4 November. The venue is the Stellenbosch Academy of Design & Photography campus in Technopark, on the R44 between Stellenbosch and Somerset West. For more information, please refer to the poster and press release below!

Press Release:
Vision AfriKa is a youth organization that is active in Kayamandi and Vlottenburg. Working with youth aged 15 – 18, the goal of the organization is to support youth in the process of finding their voices and pursuing their dreams.

In partnership with the first year photography students of Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography, Vision AfriKa’s youth will create a photo exhibition that allows the public to experience Kayamandi as seen through the eyes of its youth. With assistance from the students of the Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography, Kayamandi youth will acquire the skills and techniques to creatively document their lives through the art of photography. The exhibition will be a combination of pictures taken by the youth using instamatic “throw away cameras”and by the photography students.

Our vision is not only to host the exhibition, but also to print postcards of the pictures that would be sold to the public, coffee-table books, and large prints that will be up for auction. A prize-giving ceremony will also be held for the ‘young upcoming photographers’. All proceeds made will be re-invested in the youth of Kayamandi.

This photography exhibition will have multiple outcomes, including an opportunity for youth to find their voice through the art of photography. This outcome is reinforced by the transfer of knowledge and skills from the students to the youth. In a town that remains divided by race and socio-economic standing, we hope that this exhibition will also open up avenues of understanding between youth and students, as well as within the wide spectrum of Stellenbosch citizens that attend the exhibition.

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