Showcasing the fashion editorial A Fashion Friend, brainchild of Fashion Director at Cosmopolitan Magazine, Robynne Kahn.

Here at Orms a vital part of our philosophy is to nurture young creative talent in any way possible and we get very excited when we see other companies doing the same thing. We are absolutly in love with the work being shot for the bi-monthly online fashion editorial A Fashion Friend, brainchild of current Fashion Director at Cosmopolitan Magazine, Robynne Kahn.

Robynne’s aim with A Fashion Friend (AFF) is to break down the boundries imposed on Stylists, Photographers and designers in South Africa’s Mainstream Fashion Industry. AFF gives upcoming photographers an opportunity to be creative, imaginative and unique during their shoots – there are no restrictions and from this an undiluted idea is manifested.

Have a look at some of our favourite images below or explore all their back issues here.

You can also follow them on twitter or on Facebook – Enjoy!