With amazing platforms such as Instagram literally at our fingertips there’s no reason not to leverage its power to your advantage, so with that, let’s look at 5 Instagram tips to get you going!

As the most visually based social media platform every photographer / videographer should be using Instagram to it’s full potential. By using it correctly, or should we rather say making full use of all the Instagram features, Instagram can basically become your portfolio as well as a very handy tool for inspiration, location scouting and networking with potential clients. But there’s a little more to it than just sharing your latest images, so we’ve got this great video by photographer Joe Allam, who shares 5 great Instagram tips to make sure you leverage the power of Instagram to your advantage.

His Instagram tips in short:

  • Location Scouting
  • Follow Locally
  • Improve Your Feed
  • Embrace Stories
  • Organise With Collections

Keep up with more from Joe via his YouTube channel, be sure to click the subscribe button while you’re there. You can also follow Joe on Facebook, TwitterInstagram or the Website. Go!


Instagram Tips: Take Advantage & Improve Your Photography

    1. Hello Joe,

      Thanks so much for your comment and for creating such helpful content, we know our readers have really found this video helpful!


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