Analog fans: Polaroid SX-70 cameras are now in stock at Orms! Here’s some unboxing photos of the Impossible starter kits.

We’ve got some great news for film photography enthusiasts: We received a limited amount of refurbished Polaroid SX-70 instant film cameras from Impossible yesterday!

Wether you’ve always wanted an iconic SX-70 camera, or this is the first time you’re hearing about it, no one can deny that it’s one of the most interesting camera designs ever made, and also one of the most rewarding cameras to work with. Introduced in the 1970s, the SX-70 is a folding SLR camera with a manual focus lens, a split-prism viewfinder, automatic exposure with user adjustable exposure compensation, and it shoots onto larger-than-medium-format integral instant film, available from Impossible in both colour and black and white varieties.

We only have five SX-70 Impossible Starter Kits in stock. Each kit retails at R4,395 and includes everything you need to get started: a refurbished black Polaroid SX-70 camera with black leatherette finish, two packs of Impossible colour film, a frog tongue for protecting your photos from light as they eject, a hand-written warranty and usage instructions.

Buy the camera on Orms Direct:Β Polaroid SX-70 Refurbished Camera Kit – Black

View our range of Impossible instant film for Polaroid cameras.

We were lucky enough to unbox one of the cameras yesterday, and took some photos of the process:

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