In Week 2 of our study session we will be exploring the art of photographing inanimate objects. Anything from your toothbrush to your spatular can be composed to create a compelling image. This will require you to carefully construct scenes using whatever objects you have as your photographic subjects.

Personal Experience: my personal project

Personally I found still life to be quite the challenge. I used window light, cheap paper and whatever I could find, the end results were quite cringey at best but it brought about a newfound respect for this form of photography and it certainly was worth the struggle.

Things to consider in this exercise would be: light, form and composition.



The shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material

Merriam-webster English Dictionary


Submission date: only entries between the 6 April- 10 April 2020 will be accepted, No entries before or after will be accepted. Submissions close on 10 April at 9am.

Be sure to use #keepcreatingwithorms and tag @ormsdirect @ormsctsp so that we can have a look at what you’ve been creating. By taking part you’ll also stand the chance to:

  • WIN an A4 Photobook with a personalised cover and 28 pages for you to design and make your own


  • a 60-minute one-on-one session with a knowledgable expert in the field from the Orms Cape Town School of Photography to strengthen your practice even further.