Do It Yourself with Orms Print Room & Framing: Print and create your own unique and personalised bunting decorations!

Print your photos or designs onto canvas and create your own unique bunting for festive decorations!

What you need:

  • Photos or designs.
  • Scissors.
  • String.
  • Sewing machine or glue.



What to do:

  • Visit Orms Print Room & Framing and ask for your images and designs to be printed onto standard canvas.
  • Cut your artwork into triangles or squares for the flaps of your bunting.
  • At the back, fold over a piece of canvas at the top to create a β€˜loop’ for the string to go through.
  • Stitch or glue this piece in place.
  • Feed the string through these loops to create your bunting.


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Tips and tricks:

  • Insert the string while stitching or gluing to save time.


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