In 2020, we launched Orms Presents, our weekly episodic video feature series where we share the work of the talented South African video creators in our creative community. Let’s close off the year with a nice roundup of the creatives we featured in December!
Didn’t catch our previous episodes of Orms Presents? Check out our November features right here on Orms Connect.
Our first feature for December was a piece by filmmaker Michael Klein. Michael took us along for the ride on his spectacular dogsledding journey across the frozen tundra of Finland. Follow more of Michael’s adventures on his Instagram.
Tashin Singh brought us our next episode of Orms Presents, allowing us the opportunity to relive his memories of travelling through pre-pandemic London, Paris and Barcelona. You can experience more of Tash’s stunning visuals on his Instagram or enlist his creative services via his media production company, Picture This.
Episode 12 was a creation from another of our South African video creators, African wildlife cinematographer, Robert Hofmeyr. Shot on a plethora of exciting and varied gear, Robert’s video showcases a wild adventure through various game parks and nature reserves in Botswana. To work with Robert, get in touch with him via his website.
93 DAYS LATER… (S01E13)
Last but certainly not least, our final screening for 2021 came from visual creative Ryan van Roon-Gifford. We’re certain many of you (like us!) are longing for a cooling dip in the ocean, and Ryan’s Orms Presents feature showcases exactly that glorious experience. If you need some beautiful images, check out Ryan’s online photography portfolio.
If you would like to be our next Orms Presents feature on IGTV, use the hashtag #ifilmwithorms next time you upload a video to your Instagram.