Our latest competition in partnership with Canon has come to a close. We asked you to share your stories of positive change with us using the hashtags #MakeItBetterWithOrms and #ChangeTheWorldWithCanon on Instagram. Those who shared stood the chance to win either a Canon EOS RP Mirrorless Digital Camera with an RF 24-105mm Lens and RF Adapter or a Canon EOS M50 Mirrorless Camera Vlogging Kit. After painstaking consideration, we have chosen our two winners. You can read about them and discover their awardwinning entries in this dedicated blog post.
To recognise and honour the hard work and generous sharing that went into all the submissions we received, we would like to bring attention to ten additional entries that we feel deserved an honourable mention and a shoutout from us.
#1 @giftcreates
#2 @mashau.royals
#3 @hafeezmustfall
#4 @damiankirk
#5 @janankillian
#6 @starlavida
#7 @shanvdbergh
#8 @itsbarbaravlogs
#9 @sesame.with.the.seeds
#10 @ndudshandu7
It is obvious that the need in our country is at an all-time high right now, and watching your videos and hearing your stories has made this all the more apparent. Over the coming weeks, we will be doing writeups of the small local businesses and photographers who entered our competition with Canon, in the hope of providing them exposure to our broader community. We will also be reaching out to the up and coming content creators who entered the competition to collaborate with them on future videos, podcast episodes and giveaways.